// strings used in scripts Eme.UI.Xaml.Res={ 'runtimeErrorWithoutPosition': "Runtime error {2} in control '{0}', method {6}: {3}", 'scaleModeRequiresScaleTransform': "When ScaleMode is set to zoom or stretch, the root Canvas must have not have a RenderTransform applied, or must only have a ScaleTransform.", 'mediaError_NotFound': "Media '{3}' in control '{0}' could not be found.", 'runtimeErrorWithPosition': "Runtime error {2} in control '{0}', method {6} (line {4}, col {5}): {3}", 'silverlightVersionFormat': "Must be in the format 'MajorVersion.MinorVersion'.", 'otherError': "{1} error #{2} in control '{0}': {3}", 'cannotChangeXamlSource': "You cannot change the xaml source after initialization.", 'parserError': "Invalid XAML for control '{0}'. [{7}] (line {4}, col {5}): {3}" }; Eme.UI.Xaml.Media.Res={ 'volumeRange': "Volume must be a number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.", 'mediaFailed': "Unable to load media '{0}'.", 'noMediaElement': "The XAML document does not contain a MediaElement.", 'invalidChapterIndex': "Must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the length of the chapters array." };