SilverlightShow: New Silverlight Web OS Lets You Develop Applications Online And Share Them With a Click Comments Silverlight articles, Silverlight tutorials, Silverlight videos, Silverlight samples en-us (Emil Stoychev) Argotic Syndication Framework, RE: New Silverlight Web OS Lets You Develop Applications Online And Share Them With a Click <div><strong>To answer Matt's question </strong>(in the previous comment)<strong>:</strong></div><div><ul> <li>If two or more developers have different tastes, Wiki-OS encourages the use of "popularity-based controls" (aka "implementation selectors") that allow end-users to vote on the best implementations. All the implementations are eventually available to end-users, but they are sorted by order of popularity. For example, a popularity-based menu (or ComboBox) can be used to list all the themes of a Chess application. A toolbar can be used to list all the filters of an Image Editor sorted by rating. These controls are included into wiki-os and are very easy to use in any application.</li> <li>If someone wants to significantly change the way that an application behaves, he/she can create a copy of the project and make the changes on that copy instead of modifying the original project.</li> <li>Like Wikipedia, the idea of is that by joining forces and by letting developers build upon other people's work instead of constantly reinventing the wheel, innovation can move faster and people can achieve unprecedented results. However, if you still want to have exclusive control of your application (and choose exactly who can modify what), the authors of Wiki-OS provide other products that allow you to do so ( <span><a href="" target="_blank"></a></span> ).</li></ul></div> ( Joe) Tue, 22 Sep 2009 23:27:32 +0300 RE: New Silverlight Web OS Lets You Develop Applications Online And Share Them With a Click <p>Sounds cool - but what happens if people start changing your application so much that it is completly different from what you originally intended? That would be nice in some situations but sometimes you create an app for a specific purpose and don't really want it hijaked by some other developer. Is there a way to protect against this sort of thing?</p> <p>-Matt (<a href="">VB6 Downloads</a>)</p> ( Matt) Fri, 18 Sep 2009 17:54:20 +0300