/* Supersized - Fullscreen Slideshow jQuery Plugin Version 3.0 - Core By Sam Dunn (www.buildinternet.com // www.onemightyroar.com) Version: supersized.3.0.js Website: www.buildinternet.com/project/supersized */ (function($){ //Resize image on ready or resize $.fn.supersized = function() { var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options); $.currentSlide = 0; //Set current image $("").attr("src", options.slides[$.currentSlide].image).appendTo("#supersized"); $(window).bind("load", function(){ $('#loading').hide(); $('#supersized').fadeIn("slow"); $('#supersized').resizenow(); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('#supersized').resizenow(); }); $(window).bind("resize", function(){ $('#supersized').resizenow(); }); $('#supersized').hide(); }; //Adjust image size $.fn.resizenow = function() { var t = $(this); var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options); return t.each(function() { //Define image ratio var ratio = options.startheight/options.startwidth; //Gather browser and current image size var imagewidth = t.width(); var imageheight = t.height(); var browserwidth = $(window).width(); var browserheight = $(window).height(); var offset; //Resize image to proper ratio if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){ t.height(browserheight); t.width(browserheight / ratio); t.children().height(browserheight); t.children().width(browserheight / ratio); } else { t.width(browserwidth); t.height(browserwidth * ratio); t.children().width(browserwidth); t.children().height(browserwidth * ratio); } if (options.vertical_center == 1){ t.children().css('left', (browserwidth - t.width())/2); t.children().css('top', (browserheight - t.height())/2); } return false; }); }; $.fn.supersized.defaults = { startwidth: 4, startheight: 3, vertical_center: 1 }; })(jQuery);