Advertising on SilverlightShow gives you access to our huge and rapidly expanding community of Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 professionals, beginners or experts. SilverlightShow is a source of daily Silverlight and WP7 news, exclusive articles, free live webinars, showcases and numerous learning resources. In addition, it is a forum platform where community members support and help each other through their experience.
SilverlightShow partners with key Silverlight and WP7 portals to deliver high-quality content to an even broader audience.
Website Traffic Stats
SilverlightShow has more than 100,000 unique visitors per month, of which approx 50% are new visitors. The site has approx 305,000 page views monthly. Our banner positions serve more than 1,000,000 impressions per month.
Data as of May 2011.
Creative Specs
Leaderboard. Displayed throughout the site, in the top right position.
468x60. JPEG or GIF. 40K maximum file size.
Inside horizontal banner. 468 x 60. JPEG or GIF. 40K maximum file size.
Display options:
- Home page, middle
- Home page, bottom
- News/articles detailed view, bottom
- News/articles summary view, below the first item
- News/articles summary view, below the last item
Rectangle button. 180 x 150. JPEG or GIF. 20K maximum file size.
Display options:
- Inside pages (except Community, About, Forums), right column, at top
- Inside pages (except Community, About, Forums), right column, at bottom
- Forum pages, right column, top
E-newsletter banners
We send one
webinar newsletter and one
monthly newsletter to our members. Various banner sizes available upon agreement with advertiser.
Only good-quality creatives, consistent with the color theme of SilverlightShow portal will be accepted for publishing.
Content of Advertisements
We only advertise products or services which relate to the topics of SilverlightShow portal. SilverlightShow reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising at any time.
We require a signed contract detailing the advertising positions and period of campaign at least 1 week before the advertising is scheduled to run.
Pricing and Payment
contact us with information on product/services you need advertised, desired banner positions, impressions per position and period of campaign run to obtain a detailed proposal. Discounts are available for repeated customers and long-term contracts.
Payment for all insertions should be made in advance.