SilverlightShow Members
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Community Recognition Program
The Community Recognition Program gives recognition to those members who actively participate in authoring content or forum discussions. You may earn reward points by replying to forum posts, submitting showcases, authoring articles, news or other content.
Community Recognition program details
Article Authors
Contribute to the article content on SilverlightShow! Join our team of recognized article authors and help us cover all hot topics in Silverlight and WP7. Best article authors get interviewed for SilverlightShow, featured on our site, and paid for authoring exclusive content.
Article submission guidelines
Valued Bloggers
Have your Silverlight or WP7 blog posts digested inside SilverlightShow daily news. Each day we deliver the most interesting Silverlight and WP7 content to thousands of readers, thus contributing to the growing popularity of the best bloggers on these topics. Let your content reach the growing community at SilverlightShow!
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