Some weeks ago Microsoft already published a preview version of the Microsoft Download Center. Now, there is a new URL for the preview version (which is now called beta):
Well, I run the Fiddler tool to calculate the download size of all files (JavaScript, XAML, HTML, CSS and images):
Request Count: 111
Bytes Sent: 106.848
Bytes Received: 590.461
HTTP/404: 1
HTTP/200: 110
RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)
application/javascript: 20.931
application/xaml+xml: 62.535
application/x-javascript: 96.222
text/xml: 3.463
application/octet-stream: 23.429
text/css: 1.113
application/jsonrequest: 4.221
~headers: 45.365
image/jpeg: 93.133
image/png: 213.541
text/html: 22.274
image/gif: 4.234
I hope that Silverlight applications in the future make more use of the compressed-file downloaded feature in Silverlight.
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