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Silverlight unit testing and JavaScript

0 comments   /   aggregated from Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft) on Apr 05, 2008  /  original article

I am currently writing a Silverlight class library which I want to use in a project, and decided to try Test Driven Development for this class. This is a really nice way to work, and the Silverlight development team made this very easy by providing a unit test framework easy to integrate into Visual Studio 2008.

(Note: You cannot simply use the built-in unit test framework, because a non-Silverlight application cannot reference a Silverlight class library).

To find information about where to download and how to install the Silverlight unit test framework, check this post.

Communicating with JavaScript

The only issue with the Silverlight unit test application is that it uses a default HTML test page to instantiate the Silverlight control. If your class library contains one or more JavaScript code files that it interacts with, the test will fail, because the JavaScript file cannot be found. Thankfully, this is quite easy to change:

  • Start by creating the Silverlight class library that you want to work on.
  • In the same solution, in VS2008, create a Silverlight unit test application.
    (note: Typically I name this test application [MyClassLibrary].Test where [MyClassLibrary] is the name of the class library you want to test).
  • In the test application, add a reference to the Silverlight class library that you want to test.
  • Do not add any test at this time!
  • Right-click on the Silverlight test application and select "Set as Start-Up Project".
  • Run the application. Don't worry about the test result so far.
  • In the web browser, select the menu "View source":
  • Copy the whole HTML code.
  • In Visual Studio, right-click on the Silverlight test application and choose "Add / New Item...".
  • Select a HTML page, rename it "index.html".
  • Select the whole HTML code in index.html and replace it with the HTML code you have in the clipboard.
  • Modify the Silverlight control's "source" attribute to prepend the "ClientBin" folder.

This step is needed because of the placement of the generated TestPage.html. This page is generated inside the ClientBin folder, as well as the XAP file. Since our index.html is located outside of the ClientBin folder, we need to update the "source" attribute. This is a one-time only operation

  • From the Silverlight class library, drag and drop the JavaScript code file that your class library will interact with. A copy gets added to the test application.
  • In the file "index.html", add a reference to that JavaScript file in the HEAD section.
  • Right click on "index.html" and select "Set as Start Page".

That's it! Now you can write a few tests involving classes from your class library. The JavaScript interaction is working, because the JavaScript file your class communicates with is found in the same folder as index.html.

There are a few caveats though:

  • If you modify the JavaScript code file, you must remember to udpdate the copy located in the test application too!
  • You cannot debug the JavaScript code, because the test application is a Silverlight application, and if you run the debugger, it will attach to the Silverlight code only, not to the JavaScript code.

To illustrate this, I published a very basic Silverlight class library with JavaScript interaction and unit test application. You must install the Silverlight unit test framework first!

Important: After you download the test code, make sure that you set "GalaSoft.SL.MyClassLibrary.Test" as startup project, and "index.html" as start page!!

File structure


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