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How do I Display Data of Complex Bound Criteria in Horizontal Lists in Silverlight

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on Mar 30, 2010
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In this article written for the Visual Studio Magazine, Kathleen Dollard shows how to display a list of complex bound criteria, including data, child data and photos for each item, in Silverlight.

Q: In Silverlight I want to display a list of complex bound criteria, which includes data, child data and photos for each item. The requirement is for the list to be displayed horizontally with only one item displayed at a time. Is this possible?

A: There are at least two approaches to solving this: a ListBox and a DataForm. In Silverlight 3, I wasn't able to scroll the ListBox incrementally, resulting in partially displayed items. In some cases this might be desirable, but the DataForm offers a clean incremental scroll. Figure 1 shows the DataForm solution. Both approaches use a DataTemplate that allows reuse of control layouts.



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