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  • 2 comments  /  posted by   on  Sep 18, 2009 (9 months ago)
    ImageUserware has released today a Silverlight-based version of

    Wiki-OS is an online environment that lets you write, build, execute, and share open-source Silverlight applications without ever leaving the web browser.

    It simulates an operating system running inside the browser, complete with a start menu that lists all the applications by order of popularity and a task bar for switching between windows. Applications can be launched right away, without installation.

    A development environment is included that allows creating new Silverlight 3 applications. It provides features such as syntax Imagehighlighting, auto-completion, instant deployment of updates to all users, and a source control to let multiple people work collaboratively on the same project and see the history of modifications.

    Applications can be shared by copying their URL - for example to launch the Sudoku - or be embedded into web pages by using an html code snippet.

    Every window contains an "Edit" button that lets anyone access the source code of the window and possibly make changes, thus bringing open-source collaboration to a new level. Developers can instantly access the source code of any application, reference other people's projects, and build on top of existing components instead of constantly reinventing the wheel. They can also start a project and let the community finish it.

    ImageIn the long term, Wiki-OS aims at becoming the "wikipedia of software" - that is, a place where every single connected person in the world can have free, instant, and unlimited access to the best open-source software applications, and where anyone can contribute right away, no matter their skills: developers can write a new algorithm, artists can draw an icon, linguists can contribute to the help document, and someone who has no particular skills can simply pin a suggestion so that another user can see it and implement it.
    Wiki-OS is made by Userware:

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