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  • 3 comments  /  posted by  Andrea Boschin  on  Jun 09, 2010 (4 days ago)

    Download the sample here: (40KB)

    There are plenty of ways to handle network communications in Silverlight, but also with this great number of tools, the task is not always simple. The main problem is due to the need to always make calls to the network in an asyncronous way. If this is not a great trouble when we use a traditional HTTP channel, it may become source of headaches when you have to implement a low-level network protocol using a socket. When you have to handle this situation it is often required by protocols to exchange a great number of small messages, each with its own format, size and syntax, so the programming become a sort of push & pull game with a huge number of methods, hard to handle when you are debugging or maintaining the software.

  • 11 comments  /  posted by  Alexey Zakharov  on  May 28, 2009 (more than a year ago)

    1. Introduction

    Currently Silverlight supports two ways of duplex communication: sockets and WCF polling duplex services. I was really impressed by the simplicity of using WCF polling duplex in Silverlight 3, but its responsiveness and scalability leaves much to be desired. On the opposite site we have sockets, which are rather tricky to use, but their responsiveness and scalability satisfy real world application requirements.

    In this article I’m going to introduce my SocketsLight framework, which should simplify the working with sockets by providing high level API over .NET sockets library.

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