Visifire team announce the availability of a new release of WPF Charts and list the features and bugfixes included with them.
Today we are releasing the much awaited Zooming feature. In this version of Zooming you will be able to zoom/scale the PlotArea of the chart. You can have a look at the example below. Please follow Visifire documentation here from more info.
Visifire team announced the release of the final version of Visifire v3.0.3 and the major features included in it.
Today we have released the final version of Visifire v3.0.3 which contains the following major features: DataBinding. IndicatorEnabled property has been implemented for all charts except Pie, Doughnut, SectionFunnel and StreamLineFunnel charts.
Today we have released the final version of Visifire v3.0.3 which contains the following major features:
Also a new property ToolBarEnabled has been introduced in Chart. For more info, please check documentation for ToolBarEnabled property.
Visifire team announced the release of their Silverlight and WPF Charts v3.0 beta.
This release contains fix for the following bugs: If ZIndex property was set in DataSeries, Chart was not behaving as expected. While updating YValue property for DataPoint in a broken line chart, exception was being thrown. Markers at the edge of PlotArea were getting clipped for line chart if ScrollingEnabled property was set to false in Chart. If two or more DataPoint’s YValue were same, Axis was not updating properly at real-time.
This release contains fix for the following bugs:
Create a “Silverlight Application” project. Download the latest Visifire binaries from here. Extract the Zip file and add reference for the file named “SLVisifire.Charts.dll”. In this sample, I am going to use WriteableBitmap class in order to extract the pixel wise color information of the chart rendered inside Silverlight content. We will take help of JpegEncoder provided by a third party library called FJ.Core to encode the raster information to file stream.
All we had to do was fixing some glitches in Line Chart to make Visifire compatible with Silverlight 3. All live examples in the website are successfully tested against Silverlight 3. Download your copy of Visifire here.
In order to create this sample, I chose Microsoft SQL Server Sample database Northwind.mdf. You can download it here. Visifire is available in two flavors. One in the form of an assembly which you can use within Silverlight applications and another one packaged as .xap file which you can embed within any webpage. Am using the latter one.
In order to create this sample, I chose Microsoft SQL Server Sample database Northwind.mdf. You can download it here.
Visifire is available in two flavors. One in the form of an assembly which you can use within Silverlight applications and another one packaged as .xap file which you can embed within any webpage. Am using the latter one.
Team Visifire will show you how to create Drilldown Silverlight charts using Visifire.
In this sample application, chart can be drilled down till 2 levels. The default chart would show yearly sales of a fictitious company for the period 2006-2008. On click of column representing the sales for an year, monthly sales for that year is shown up. Further it can be drilled down to find product wise sales for the selected month.