I am able to solve the problem already.
However, there are still some problems which i am confused about it.
Error 10 Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'Samples.Bookshelf.Admin' that is not included in the assembly.
Error 11 The type 'local:ViewModelLocator' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built.
Warning 2 The referenced component 'Microsoft.Expression.Interactions' could not be found.
Warning 3 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Data.DataForm.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 4 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Data.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 5 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 6 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 7 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 1 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 8 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit' could not be found.
Warning 9 The referenced component 'System.Windows.Interactivity' could not be found.
Does it mean that i have to download something that is not downloaded previously?