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First Look at Popfly Game Creator Alpha

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0 comments   /   aggregated from Frank La Vigne on May 02, 2008  /  original article
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Categories: Products , Games

Adam Nathan and Suzanne Hansen discuss the Popfly Game Creator in this Channel9 interview.

Popfly Game Creator Alpha is available today, and it's a brand new tool for building 2D games in Silverlight that requires zero programming to build games.
How easy is it to build games? Well in this interview Adam Nathan builds three games from scratch including
- A Space invaders clone (3:15 - 23:55)
- A 2D car game that plays like "snake" (23:55 - 37:51)
- A 2D side scroller with a Ninja fighting rocket chickens (37:51- 55:04)

Hmm, I've got some ideas what do to with this technology.

Grand Theft Schnauzer, perhaps?

Or how about the Wedding Planning Marathon?

Players would have to gather wedding items (invites, flowers, etc) while dodging well-meaning, unsolicited advice.

[found via Alvin Ashcroft's Twitter feed]


Technorati Tags: Popfly,Silverlight,Casual Games,Game Development,Adam Nathan,Suzanne Hansen


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