I had the pleasure of making two presentations on Silverlight at VS Live San Francisco this week;
(As promised, click on each link to download the example code and slides for that session)
One of the great pleasures of attending a conference like this is talking with developers and hearing where their concerns and priorities are, and, after nearly 2 decades of presentations, still tweaking the balance between showing code in detail (depth) vs. showing more topics (breadth).
While I think I'll use more "starter" apps in my presentation in Orlando (to allow for a bit more breadth) I'm coming to believe that what folks really get out of one or two 90 minute session is
What is this for?
Why is this guy so excited about it?
How hard/easy does it look like its going to be?
How much of what I know can I continue to use?
How long will it take to learn enough?
How does this fit in with the rest of what I do?
Is this a dead end or the start of a long commitment from Microsoft?
All in all, it was a great event; I'm glad I went, and I'm now in Redmond to talk with the team and to meet with Tim about our work together (we need a name for it, first thing).