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Everything You Need to Start Writing Windows 8 Metro Applications Today

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on May 31, 2012
Tags:   windows-8 , metro , jeremy-likness

Read original post by Jeremy Likness at C#er : IMage

It's amazing when you think about it to see how far Windows has come. I've been preparing a brief history for my Top 10 Metro Features talk (you can also see it live at CodeStock where I'll be handing out a sample chapter from my new book). Developers who have begun writing Windows 8 Metro applications have felt some of the pain of exploring a new platform and refactoring for breaking changes as new releases have come out, but overall I think the experience is phenomenal. Contrary to the fear that was rampant when Windows 8 was initially announced, when everyone speculated that C# and XAML would be dropped completely and everything would either be HTML5 and JavaScript or C++, the platform has rich support for multiple languages (including C# and XAML) and a powerful new runtime that makes it easier to do common tasks like accessing the web cam or connecting to a web site.


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