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Use the Nokia Imaging SDK to crop and resize any image to create a lockscreen for your phone

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on Nov 15, 2013
Tags:   windows-phone , wpdev , nokia , shawn-kendrot
Read original post by Shawn Kendrot at Visually Located

When the new Nokia Imaging SDK was released I was really excited to start using it within one of my apps. Unlike most, I was not interested in the image filters that change how it looks. I was initially interested in using the resize and crop functionality it had. The day after it was released my wife had surgery, so I had a good amount of time to play with the SDK while I sat in the waiting room. What I wanted to accomplish that was to take a random photo from the users phone, crop and resize it to fit the device and set it as the lockscreen. I know that you can set any image to be the lockscreen and if the image is too big, it will center the image. I needed to do it manually because I wanted to overlay information on the image.


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