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  • 2 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jul 15, 2008 (more than a year ago)
    Tags: LINQ , Pivot Table , RadTreeView , Data Proccessing , XML , Grouping , Telerik , Emil Stoychev

    What is a Pivot table/grid? According to Wikipedia it is a data summarization tool found in spreadsheet applications. Still when I was a child I learned that people understand the best when they see an example.

    Consider you have a table that contains the nutrition of given food, say a pizza:

    Group Name Quantity
    Carbohydrates Total carbohydrates 27.3
    Carbohydrates Total disaccharides 5.7
    Carbohydrates Total polysaccharides 21.6
    Minerals Calcium 147
    Minerals Phosphorus 150
    Minerals Potassium 201
    Minerals Copper 0.13
    Minerals Magnesium 19
    Minerals Sodium 582
    Minerals Selenium 4
    Minerals Total iron 0.7
    Minerals Zinc 1.07
    Vitamins Beta-carotene 173.8
    Vitamins Nicotinic 1.5
    Vitamins Total vitamin B6 0.127
    Vitamins Total vitamin D 0.3
    Vitamins Total vitamin E 2.1
    Vitamins Vitamin B1 0.1
    Vitamins Vitamin B12 0.59
    Vitamins Vitamin B2 0.16
    Vitamins Vitamin C 10

    In the data above you see that every nutrition is contained in a specific Group - 3 groups and 21 nutrition in total.

  • 4 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 29, 2008 (more than a year ago)

    A common scenario in data binding is to format the data displayed in the UI. Almost every time you show a date or a price you need to format it. Silverlight and WPF are using the so called converters to apply custom logic to a binding.

    Using Converters

    Let's make a small example that illustrates the problem. Consider a ListBox filled with client details - name and birthdate.

    Client Details

    Here the ListBox is bound to a custom business object with a field Birthdate of type DateTime - pretty common situation.

  • Silverlight X-Domain Scenario

    0 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 26, 2008 (more than a year ago)
    Tags: Deployment , CrossDomainAccess , HTML Bridge , Security , Emil Stoychev

    Yesterday we've published Silvester - Silverlight Twitter widget and the idea was to let people put it on their blogs. To use the widget you need only an HTML snippet placed somewhere on your blog/profile page. The snippet contains an <object> tag that refers the widget's XAP file from our domain. So what you actually do is refer a resource from other domain, a.k.a x-domain scenario or cross-domain scenario.

    Silverlight is a client technology and as such it sets a lot security requirements to keep the applications secure by default.

    Read more ...
  • 36 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 25, 2008 (more than a year ago)

    Are you a fan of Twitter? Personally I'm, but I'm also a fan of Silverlight. Twitter has a couple of Flash and HTML badges (a.k.a widgets) you can get and put on your blog to let your visitors know what you are up to in the moment. However, Twitter does not have a Silverlight widget. What negligence! :) If you are like me and want not a Flash, but a Silverlight widget on your blog go ahead and read on how you can build one by yourself or just copy the text below to use it.

  • 5 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 24, 2008 (more than a year ago)

    I've been playing with some timers and Web Services and I got stuck in a case where the background thread was trying to update the UI. Well, that's never going to happen. To update the UI you should use the UI thread. Let's see how we can call the UI thread from the background thread.

    Consider this situation:

    You have data that needs to be updated every minute. The data is loaded by calling a web service.

    For the update you can use the Timer class. Both the timer and the web service calls are executed asynchronously.

  • 60 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 19, 2008 (more than a year ago)


    In Silverlight there is a TextBlock control that is used to display simple text. However in many cases you need to display hyperlinks in the text. This article focuses on how to build such control and provides full source code for it.

    LinkLabel source code


    In this article I take for granted that you have basic understandings how to build a custom control in Silverlight. I described the main flow in a previous post so go read it if you need to fill some gaps.

  • 18 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 15, 2008 (more than a year ago)


    This articles focuses on the process of creating a Custom Control in Silverlight 2. It describes the basics of what you need to build a styleable control with custom logic that can be used in Silverlight applications. The article shows a sample(part) of implementing a LinkLabel control that recognizes URIs in a given text and displays them as links instead of as plain text.


    The control model in Silverlight 2 offers creating UserControls and Custom Controls. UserControls enable encapsulation of a specific logic. They are used in scenarios where you want to reuse XAML and/or logic in multiple places or build a sophisticated page with smaller chunks(the UserControls). However, in other scenarios you may need a custom logic to be built in the control and this control to allow designers customize easily its look. You need a way to modify the control visuals without having to modify the control logic. This is where the Custom Controls comes in handy. In Silverlight they derive from the Control class and specify a default style for the way they will look like.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 01, 2008 (more than a year ago)

    While playing with the ListBox control I want to set the ScrollViewer's VerticalScrollBarVisibility/HorizontalScrollBarVisibility properties in the XAML. The following code illustrates it:

    <ListBox x:Name="StatusList" 

    Everything looks just fine until you start the application and the XAML parser throws an exception: 

    System.Windows.Markup.XamlParserException: Unknown attribute ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility on element ListBox

    Actually you will experience this error every time you try to specify a control's attached properties in XAML.

  • 1 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Nov 27, 2007 (more than a year ago)


    In the previous part of this tutorial we showed you how to build a simple line chart which loads its data from an exported Excel XML Spreadsheet or from a serialized list of points (in XML format). In this part we will show how to load chart data from an Astoria service.

    Topics covered:
    • creating ADO.NET Entity Data Model
    • creating Astoria service
    • using Astoria service using the Astoria client for Silverlight

    What is Astoria anyway?

    Astoria is the code name of a new Microsoft technology that enables applications to expose data as a data service that can be consumed by web clients over HTTP.
  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Nov 21, 2007 (more than a year ago)

    Telerik, one of the most active component vendors in the last years, have already released a couple of Silverlight components. Read on what they share with us about the components we can expect, problems they faced and more.

    1.       How does the component development for Silverlight 1.1 go?
    It is going very well. We are working on several key UI controls now and a preview will be available within a couple of months.
    2.       What difficulties are you facing?
    Silverlight 1.1 is still in alpha and a lot of things are still shaky. Some base functionality is still missing and we are facing some performance issues.
    3.       What do you think about the Silverlight as a technology? Is it (or will it be) really a Flash-killer as it has been written in many blogs?
    We are very enthusiastic about Silverlight and believe it will bring in a lot of interactivity and richness previously unavailable in websites.

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