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  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Kevin Hoffman  on  Mar 08, 2011 (1 week ago)

    This article is part 3 in a 12-part article series on Windows Phone 7 for iPhone and Android Developers.

    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introduction to C#
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introduction to Xaml and Silverlight
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Advanced UI 
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Hardware and Device Services
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Using Bing Maps
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Application Tiles and Push Notifications
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introducing the Execution Model and Navigation System
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Local Data Storage
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Consuming Web Services
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - From MVC on iPhone and Android to MVVM on Windows Phone 7
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Building Cross/Multi-Platform Applications for WP7, iPhone, and Android
    WP7 for iPhone and Android Developers - Introducing the App Marketplace

    So far in this article series I’ve provided a brief introduction to the C# language, including object-oriented programming concepts like interfaces, inheritance, and even polymorphism.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Gill Cleeren  on  Feb 06, 2011 (1 month ago)
    SilverlightShow and Gill Cleeren start a series of materials aimed at helping you get prepared for taking Microsoft Silverlight Exam 70-506. Through this series we will try to structure the resources available on the internet, grouping them by topic covered in the exam. Any feedback would be much appreciated! Thanks! 

    This article is Part 4 of the series on Microsoft Silverlight Exam:

    We are making great progress in our Silverlight Exam series, we are now in the fourth part already. A quick look back on the previous parts shows that we started with a deep look at the layout and UI-related material. In the second part, we looked at enhancing the UI using features such as the Visual State Manager. In the previous part, the focus was mainly on the coding part, including topics such as dependency properties, the ICommand interface and working asynchronously with services.

    This fourth part will focus on a very important aspect: data.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Levente Mihály  on  Jan 21, 2011 (1 month ago)

    This article is compatible with the latest version of Silverlight.

    Don't miss...


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    This article is Part 2 of “A classic memory game”:


    The series is about building the following classic memory game in Silverlight, and porting it to Windows Phone 7. In the first article we started a new MVVM Light project, created the controls and designed the game-states.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jul 26, 2010 (7 months ago)
    A contestant in the BALL Watch Silverlight Contest sent a request to Michael Scherotter and asked him how to data bind to the day of the week. The solution according to Michael is to create a value converter and use that in the binding. 

    I create value converters so often in my Silverlight and WPF development, that I created a C# item template that I use over and over in Visual Studio.  I’ve posted the item template to the Visual Studio Gallery so you can use it too.  The Visual Studio Gallery is integrated with Visual Studio 2010, so you can install and start using the template right from Visual Studio.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  May 03, 2010 (10 months ago)
    In this post Jason Young discusses localization by using the Language property of the Root Visual.

    There are plenty of articles on the web detailing how to localize strings within Silverlight applications, however, one area of confusion seems to be how to get Silverlight to accept text input using the users current culture settings.

    For example, if I type 10,1 in a locale that uses the ‘,’ symbol as the decimal symbol I might expect to get the decimal number “10.1” (UK Format), however, I will in fact receive the number 101.

  • 1 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Apr 19, 2010 (11 months ago)
    Tags: Windows Forms , XAML , User Interface , Tools , Converters , Davide Senatore
    Davide Senatore has published this Windows Forms to XAML converter.

    I have just released a new version of WF(2)XAML. In this version (0.6 BETA) i have implemented the following changes:

    • Added support for different destination projects
      • WPF User Control
      • WPF Window
      • WPF Page
      • Silverlight User Control
      • Windows Phone Navigation Page
    • Changes in config file [...]

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Dec 04, 2009 (more than a year ago)
    In this post Gill Cleeren explains how Silverlight 4’s data binding engine has been extended with a few options that in some cases can avoid forcing you to create a converter.

    When using data binding in Silverlight, we often have to include one or more converters. A converter is a class that implements the IValueConverter interface. This class defines 2 methods, Convert and ConvertBack. Convert is applied when the data in the data binding action flows from source object to target control. A common use for converters is formatting a date value that comes from the database into a specific format or adding a currency symbol to a double value.

  • 4 comments  /  posted by  Emil Stoychev  on  Jun 30, 2008 (more than a year ago)

    This article is compatible with the latest version of Silverlight.

    A common scenario in data binding is to format the data displayed in the UI. Almost every time you show a date or a price you need to format it. Silverlight and WPF are using the so called converters to apply custom logic to a binding.

    Using Converters

    Let's make a small example that illustrates the problem. Consider a ListBox filled with client details - name and birthdate.

    Client Details

    Here the ListBox is bound to a custom business object with a field Birthdate of type DateTime - pretty common situation.