In part 5 of his series on WCF RIA Services, Mike Taulty decided to pay attention to authentication.
It’s a fairly common requirement that a business service authenticates a client and it’s usually (at least) for the purpose of authorisation whereby we can control which users have access to an application or to some of its functionality.
The two ways you usually go about it with a web site or web service are;
- integrated – i.e. let the web server do it via something like Basic Authentication, Digest Authentication, Windows Authentication.
- “forms” – i.e. the web server leaves the traffic well alone and something like ASP.NET steps in to make sure that each request carries an appropriate token (cookie) indicating that it has been authenticated. Unauthenticated traffic is usually redirected to a “login page” which harvests credentials and returns a suitable cookie to be replayed on subsequent requests.
Here you can find, Mike's previous posts from the series:
- Silverlight and WCF RIA Services (1 - Overview)
- Silverlight and WCF RIA Services (2 – Services)
- Silverlight and WCF RIA Services (3 – Client)
- Silverlight and WCF RIA Services (4 – RIA Services Libraries)