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Items Resolution

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  Jun 08, 2010 (2 weeks ago)

    This is part 8 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages.

    Here, we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    In this session, we will cover one quite popular, but still very useful, technique for adding interaction to your web-site - "How to enable animations between pages using the Silverlight Navigation Framework".


  • 3 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 31, 2010 (3 weeks ago)

    This is part 7 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects 
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    It’s always complicated, when you have to deal with 3D objects. No matter what environment and framework you choose, you’ll need to learn a lot of complicated structures and procedures in order to implement even a simple scenario.

  • Separating Content and Presentation with the ContentControl

    1 comments  /  posted by  Phil Middlemiss  on  May 26, 2010 (1 month ago)


    The ContentControl is often overlooked when building Silverlight apps. It’s used inside many controls such as the Button or ChildWindow, but it also turns out to be quite useful on it’s own for separating content from presentation.

    Here is a sample of the technique I will be describing. The buttons swap between two completely different “themes” for the same UserControl but the XAML for the UserControl doesn’t contain any theme elements at all, just layout and content. It’s not Picasso, but it will do to illustrate the concept:

    You can grab the source files here.

    Read more ...
  • 1 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 24, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 6 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    In this article, we’ll examine one very interesting approach for creating Rich UI. It’s a program that manipulates the UI just before the actual rendering on the screen – and it’s called PixelShader.

  • 2 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 17, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 5 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    Maybe the hardest feature to implement from the entire site was the Smoking menu effect. We’ve tried out a lot of ideas and I’m going to summarize some of them:

    1. We thought to use a video as a background, but its performance was bad. Blending the video with the background washard to do.
  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 11, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 4 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    This time we will cover how to build kind of particle system with flying “3D” objects against you. In our example the objects are thrown against you when you click to open a menu item.

    Lets first see how it looks.


    And double click on the surface to see ‘Flying Objects against you’ in action.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Levente Mihály  on  May 09, 2010 (1 month ago)

    Recently I had some time to play with the new Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools CTP. I have created a sample application (called „geoGallery”), you can watch the demo video and download the code. It’s a Gallery application, but to give it a little twist, it gets the pictures from Google Picasa based on your location!

    Record your screencast online

    Download source code

    Now I’m going to guide you through the code, focusing on the Phone specific features, methods and problems I experienced.

  • 1 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 05, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 3 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke Effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    In this ‘”how to” session, we’ll cover one of the most interesting and hardest to implement part of the site - How to flip the menu item and simultaneously show the actual page behind. The result of the effect should be like the page text is on the back of the menu.

    Lets first see how it looks.

  • 2 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 04, 2010 (1 month ago)

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    As you may already know, every Silverlight application “must” have some objects floating around in a quite 3D manner. For example, let’s make a panel with happy faces floating around the screen in a controlled way, like this one.

    Floating in Action


    The idea is to create an attached behavior for a panel, so that when enabled, through attached property it’ll make all panel’s children float around.

  • 3 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  Apr 22, 2010 (2 months ago)

    This is part 1 of the series "Silverlight in Action". Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    Let's suppose we want our visual objects to "watch" and "follow with eyes" the mouse cursor while it moves around. The idea is simply to define our visuals to be somehow on a different Z coordinate than the actual screen is. This way while moving the cursor around, the visual objects will look and follow the mouse. We'll use a simple PlaneProjection to achieve this.

    This is very important part of the actual “look and feel” of the web site.


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