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Silverlight 3 Issue with Transparency and Effects

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on Jul 20, 2009
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Chris Klug explains about the process of finding an unwanted interaction between transparency and effects such as drop shadow.

I had this application that I had built for Microsoft while Silverlight 3 was still in beta. And then when SL  3 went RTW, a feature stopped working. Or as I found out, stopped working partly. After a bit of fiddling, I found a way around it, but it is still annoying. This is the story of finding my first Silverlight 3 RTW issue…

In the application I was using a grid, and an ellipse. The ellipse used a negative margin for different reasons. Basically, the ellipse was an transparent area, that was responsible for handling mouse over and mouse out events.



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