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SilverlightShow with a New Series on Windows Phone 7 Coming Soon

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on Jun 01, 2010
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The team of SilverlightShow has come with the idea to publish a new series of 10 articles which main topic will be Windows Phone 7 development. The author of this series will be Anton Polimenov from CompletIT. In order to be easier for you to find and recognize these posts and news, all of them will have the tag "Windows Phone 7" and the titles of the artciles will be in the following format: "WP7: {title}". Take a look at the content of the series:
    1. What is Windows Phone 7
    2. Hardware requirements for Windows Phone 7 Part 1 – Buttons, Screen, Cameras, Keyboards, Wireless, Bluetooth, CPU
    3. Hardware requirements for Windows Phone 7 Part 2 – Light Sensors, A-GPS, Approximate Sensors, Compass, Accelerometer
    4. UI Concepts of Windows Phone 7
    5. Software Distributions and Content Restrictions in Windows Phone 7
    6. Screen Considerations for Developers
    7. Windows Phone 7 Application Platform
    8. Silverlight for Windows Phone 7
    9. XNA for Windows Phone 7
    10. Getting Started With Windows Phone 7 Development. "Hello, World" Applications
SilverlightShow will be more than happy if you share your thoughts and ideas for the series in the comments after this news. You can also address your recommendations directly to Anton Polimenov at his e-mail: apolimenov [at] completit [dot] com.






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