Watch a recording of Part 2 of the webinar 'Advanced Windows 8 Metro' delivered by Silverlight MVP Gill Cleeren on July 25th, 2012.
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Watch recording of Part 1 here »
Webinar summary: Windows 8 is just around the corner! As developers, we need to be ready to build Metro style applications. In the last couple of months, we got a lot of information already, although most of it covered the basics. It’s time to move beyond that.
This webinar picks up where the intro talks (see the recordings of earlier webinars on Windows 8) stopped, so expect coverage of topics you may have seen some content about or even none at all!
Agenda for Part 2:
- Localization
- Async
- Working with files and local and roaming data
- Building WinRT reusable components
- Background tasks and lock screen apps
- Bag-Of-Tricks
As usual, we had a free ebook giveaway for the attendees and tweeters of this webinar:
See who grabbed the ebooks!