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Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

(7 votes)
Walter Ferrari
Walter Ferrari
Joined Dec 17, 2009
Articles:   19
Comments:   12
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14 comments   /   posted on Nov 01, 2010
Tags:   sharepoint , sharepoint-2010 , client-object-model , deployment , walter-ferrari
Categories:   Line-of-Business , General

This article is compatible with the latest version of Silverlight.

This article may be considered as the continuation of my previous article “Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010: Getting Started” where I described how to integrate Silverlight applications in a SharePoint solution. This time we will take a step forward investigating on the Silverlight Client Object Model available in Sharepoint 2010. To better understand what we can do we will create, as an exercise, a small but powerful Silverlight utility to upload files, images and documents inside a Library or List.

What we want to do

The objective is to create a Silverlight application capable to list the Libraries and Lists of a Sharepoint site in a DataGrid. We want to be able to insert one or more files into a Library or List through a simple drag & drop of files from the file system over an item of the DataGrid. I decided to do this because the standard procedure to upload files on Sharepoint is a little boring as you will see in the next paragraph.
In this video you can see briefly the creation of the application and here you can download the code.


The standard procedure to upload images and files in Sharepoint

Depending on the site template you have chosen, SharePoint 2010 provides a series of lists and libraries where it is suggested to load the images, style sheets, documents, files, etc. In particular, the “Team Site” template includes four Document Libraries which, as you can see in the image below, should be used according to the rules described on the right.


Now let’s suppose we want to add a series of images to the Site Assets Library and a css file to the Style Library. Starting from the home page, we have to click on “Libraries”, then on “Site Assets”, then on “add document”, then on “Upload multiple files…”, then drag&drop the image files and eventually click OK. To insert the css file we have to follow more or less the same procedure. The following image shows all the steps required.


It is a little boring, isn’t it? Would not it be better to see all the Libraries and Lists inside a flat grid and perform the drag and drop on a row of the grid? Let’s find out in the next paragraphs.

Building the Silverlight application responsible for uploading files

First of all make sure you have installed the Silverlight Toolkit, since we will use some controls included in this package. Let’s create a new project of type “Silverlight application” in Visual Studio; you can skip the option to “Host the Silverlight application in a new Web site” since we will use a Sharepoint site instead. Add the references to “System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit” and “System.Windows.Controls.Data.Toolkit” and insert the xaml code below in MainPage.xaml:

  <toolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="busyIndicatorElement" IsBusy="false" BusyContent="Contacting Sharepoint..." >
      <toolkitData:DataGridDragDropTarget x:Name="MainGridDragDropElement" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
          <sdk:DataGrid Name="MainGridElement" AutoGenerateColumns="True" AllowDrop="True"  HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"  HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />

As you can see the interface is very basic: a BusyIndicator Control surrounds a DataGrid with its drag-n-drop-target Content Control. I used the BusyIndicator Control to get an immediate feedback each time the application is waiting for a response from Sharepoint.

Getting data from Sharepoint using the Silverlight Client Object Model

Using the SL Client Object model to retrieve data from Sharepoint is easier than it seems. However, before going any further you should have three things clear in mind:

  1. since Silverlight follows an asynchronous model, you can only make asynchronous queries to the Sharepoint Server from the UI thread. You can perform synchronous queries only in a thread that does not interact with the UI thread for instance using a ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem()
  2. you have to perform two separate tasks: firstly inform the Client Object Model about operations that you need (i.e. accessing properties of Sharepoint objects, data retrieval etc) using a “Load()” method and then send these “loaded operations” to Sharepoint launching an asynchronous call.
  3. any asynchronous query you make, be it successful or failed, will fire a callback running into another thread other than the main UI thread.

To play with the Client Object model you need to add the following reference assemblies: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.Runtime. They are usually located in “\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\ClientBin”.

The namespace to use is, as you may guess, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

In our specific application that we want to build we need to know the title of the Libraries and Lists included in our Sharepoint site. How can that be obtained? First by defining a ClientContext object in the MainPage code behind , then by creating a method to load your requests to the Client Model and recall it from the MainPage() constructor after InitializeComponent():

 public partial class MainPage : UserControl
    private ClientContext myClContext;
    public MainPage()
        // Drop Event Handler
        MainGridElement.Drop += new DragEventHandler(SPListsGrid_Drop);
    private void ConnectToSP()
        myClContext = new ClientContext("http://My_Server_name");
        myClContext.ExecuteQueryAsync(OnConnectSucceeded, OnConnectFailed);
        busyIndicatorElement.IsBusy = true;

As you can see, I instantiated a ClientContext giving the Url of the server then I asked for the access to the Web and Lists objects of Sharepoint calling the load() method. Eventually, I called ExecuteQueryAsync() passing the callbacks to activate in case of success and failure.

Since the callbacks run in a separate thread we can only schedule the execution of the necessary update of the UI using a Dispatcher:

 // callbacks
 private void OnConnectSucceeded(Object sender, ClientRequestSucceededEventArgs args)
 private void OnConnectFailed(object sender, ClientRequestFailedEventArgs args)

The OnConnectSucceeded(..) callback invokes the execution of the method FillGrid() in the UI thread; FillGrid() performs the databinding to the DataGrid as follows:

 private void FillGrid()
     busyIndicatorElement.IsBusy = false;
     var isource = from List ls in myClContext.Web.Lists.AsEnumerable()
                   select new InfoList() { Title = ls.Title, Description = ls.Description };
     MainGridElement.ItemsSource = isource;
 public class InfoList
     public string Title { get; set; }
     public string Description { get; set; }

where I used a dummy object (InfoList) since the databinding with anonymous types is still an issue in Silverlight.

Capturing the Drop event and uploading the files dragged

Now it’s time to add the logic for handling the drag&drop of files in the DataGrid. Just an event handler for the Drop event is needed:

 void SPListsGrid_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
     if (e.Data == null)
     // we have to identify the item in the Grid where the file is dropped 
     Point loc = e.GetPosition(Application.Current.RootVisual);
     var list = VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(loc, MainGridElement);
     DataGridRow row = list.FirstOrDefault(i => i is DataGridRow) as DataGridRow;
     if (row != null)
         IDataObject dataObject = e.Data as IDataObject;
         FileInfo[] files = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as FileInfo[];
         InfoList listDetails = row.DataContext as InfoList;
         foreach (FileInfo file in files)
             UploadFile(file, listDetails.Title);

The code above locates the row where the files were dropped and for each of them calls the Upload() method where, again, the Client Object Model is implicated. Here the code for the Upload() method:

 private void UploadFile(FileInfo fileToUpload, string libraryTitle)
     var web = myClContext.Web;
     List destinationList = web.Lists.GetByTitle(libraryTitle);
     var fciFileToUpload = new FileCreationInformation();
     Stream streamToUpload = fileToUpload.OpenRead();
     int length = (int)streamToUpload.Length;  // get file length
     fciFileToUpload.Content = new byte[length];
     int count = 0;                        // actual number of bytes read
     int sum = 0;                          // total number of bytes read
     while ((count = streamToUpload.Read(fciFileToUpload.Content, sum, length - sum)) > 0)
         sum += count;  // sum is a buffer offset for next reading
     fciFileToUpload.Url = fileToUpload.Name;
     Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File clFileToUpload = destinationList.RootFolder.Files.Add(fciFileToUpload);
     myClContext.ExecuteQueryAsync(OnLoadingSucceeded, OnLoadingFailed);
     busyIndicatorElement.IsBusy = true;

What is interesting to highlight in the UploadFile() above is that we make use of the Web object of the ClientContext included as a request in the previous query to get the List (or Library) where we want to put the file. Once we have the list (destinationList), we read the file and create a Sharepoint.Client.File object, then load it in the ClientContext created at the beginning. Once again, an asynchronous request is submitted to perform the action. In the OnLoadingSucceeded() callback you can notify the user about the positive result of the operation in various ways. In the source code of my example I just added a “OK, file uploaded!” message box.

Deploy the Silverlight application using a Visual WebPart

In my previous article “Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010: Getting Started” I described three different methods to insert a Silverlight application in a Sharepoint Site. Now we are going to see the fourth (yes, another one). Somehow it is a combination between the second method, “Using a web part”, and the third method “Using a Sharepoint module”. In fact, as in the second method, the Silverlight application is attached to the Visual Web Part by adding a portion of HTML code, which includes the Silverlight host control to the rendering of the web part. Furthermore, for the deployment this fourth method makes use of a mechanism similar to the module method where a module ferries the Silverlight application inside Sharepoint but this time the 'ferry' is the Visual WebPart.

The reason why I used this new method will be clear in a moment, for now I anticipate that in this way we will be able to pass values and parameters between the web part and the Silverlight application. Let’s go ahead by adding a new project to the solution of the Siverlight app that we have just created. Choose the “Sharepoint 2010 Visual Web Part” template from “New Project in Visual Studio:


Choose the option “Deploy as a farm solution”, in the Solution Explorer, locate the “VisualWebPart1” automatically generated and delete it. Now right click on the Project name and choose “Add new item”; from the dialog box choose the “Visual Web Part” template of Sharepoint 2010 and call it “FileUploaderVWP” as in the image below:


Don’t worry about this strange procedure, it’s just a pragmatic way to give an identifiable name to the Visual Web Part without having to change it by hand here and there in various files. Open the source code of the Visual Web Part (it should be the file “FileUploaderVWP.cs”) and override the Prerender() method as follows:

 protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
     string webUrl = SPContext.Current.Web.Url;
     string renderHost = @"<div id='silverlightControlHost'>
     <object data='data:application/x-silverlight-2,'
     type='application/x-silverlight-2' width='100%' height='100%'>
     <param name='source' value='/_catalogs/wp/SLFileUpload.xap'/>
     <param name='background' value='white' />
     <param name='minRuntimeVersion' value='4.0.50303.0' />
     <param name='autoUpgrade' value='true' />
     <param name='windowless' value='false'/>
     <param name='initParams' value='host_url=" + webUrl +  @"' />
     <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=149156
     &v=4.0.50303.0' style='text-decoration:none'>
     <img src='http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=161376'
     alt='Get Microsoft Silverlight' style='border-style:none'/>
     </object><iframe id='_sl_historyFrame' style='visibility:hidden;
     LiteralControl host = new LiteralControl(renderHost);

As you may see a Silverlight host control is injected into the HTML before the rendering of the web part. Now give a look at the value of “source” parameter: “/_catalogs/wp/”; it is the default path where Sharepoint puts all the web parts. We will put also our Silverlight app in this folder in a while. The other interesting thing here is that at the beginning we make a call to the server object model of Sharepoint to retrieve the Url of our Sharepoint site (this code runs on the server so we don’t need to invoke the client model here). The url is then passed to the Silverlight app as an initParams attribute called “host_url”. Why are we doing this? Because when in the Silverlight app we query the Client object model for the first time , we can’t obtain this information in any way.

If you have noticed in the code snippet added in the paragraph Getting data from Sharepoint using the Silverlight Client Object Model, I had included the name of the server statically:

 myClContext = new ClientContext(http://my_server_name/);

This makes the application unusable in other domains without recompile. Passing this information as parameter solves the problem. Now you can substitute the line of code above with the following:

 string webUrl = App.Current.Host.InitParams["host_url"];
 myClContext = new ClientContext(webUrl);

and the application will work also in other domains.

Using the Visual Web Part as a ‘ferry’

The next step is to raise your thumb and hitchhike to find someone who has a seat available for your Silverlight application, destination: 'Sharepoint'. In my previous article it was a module, this time it is the visual Web Part itself. Let’s go back to Visual Studio and, in the Solution Explorer, right click on your Web Part (FileUploaderVWP) and click on “Properties” in the context menu. In the Properties panel Select the “Project Output References” property and click on the small button on the right to open the “Project Output References” Dialog Box; here click on the “Add” button to add an item to the list on the left; configure the properties on the right as shown in the following image:


Unfortunately this step is not enough to fully instruct the deployment process. We need to manually modify the file Elements.xml under the Visual Web Part tree including the line highlighted:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/" >
   <Module Name="SPFileUploadVWP" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp">
     <File Path="SPFileUploadVWP\SPFileUploadVWP.webpart" Url="SPFileUploadVWP.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary" >
       <Property Name="Group" Value="Custom" />
     <File Path="SPFileUploadVWP\SLFileUpload.xap" Url="SLFileUpload.xap" />

Here, contrary to what we saw in the 'module method' Visual Studio does not help us to update the file automatically.
You can now select the Sharepoint project just included in the Solution as the “Startup project”, add the Silverlight Project to its “Project Dependencies” and deploy your solution. Your “.xap” file will be added to Sharepoint in the same folder of the other web parts.

Don’t forget to enable debugging: open the dialog box of the properties of your Sharepoint Visual Web Part project; click on the “SharePoint” tab option and set the “Enable Silverlight debugging (instead of Script debugging) checkbox”.



In this article we have put togheter the potential of Silverlight and of the SL Client Object Model added in Sharepoint 2010 to create a small but useful utility to quickly load files in a List or Library of Sharepoint. We have learned how to get the title and description of all the Libraries and Lists in our Sharepoint site and how to insert files in a List. We have also learned how to pass data from the host Web Part to the Silverlight application. Possible improvements are: finding a way to allow upload ing of large files (this is regulated by a setting of the site accessible from the administration) , an extended DataGrid showing the files included in each List or Library, interaction with the publishing framework and a better look and feel in general.



  • -_-

    RE: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by Bharat on Mar 14, 2011 10:56
    Im getting the following error when i try to upload FileSecurityState_OperationNotPermitted
  • -_-

    RE: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by Julian on Mar 20, 2011 01:09

    Excellent work - thanks for sharing this with us.  Deployed perfectly and solved a big headache for me on a LOB custom webpart :)

    The only code I added was:




    ls.Title.ToString() == "your list title here"

    select new InfoList() { Title = ls.Title, Description = ls.Description };

    to return only the lists that I wanted.  Without 'where', even Masterpages list was showing up and would let me drop a file in it.



  • -_-

    RE: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by Walter on Mar 20, 2011 20:30

    Hi Julian,

    I'm happy to know that my article was useful :-)

  • -_-

    RE: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by palak bhansali on May 18, 2011 20:54

    Hello sir,

    It's a very userful tutorial to implement silverlight & sharepoint integrated applications.

    I've been stuck with one same kind of problem, here it is,

    I've developed silverlight application with one telerik scheduler control, & with the use of Sharepoint Client Object Model, i have made my scheduler binding all appointments from sharepoint 2010 calendar list view. Now where i am facing problem when sharepoint calendar selected columns/fields varies, my scheduler Edit Appointment Dialog window not able to show those update fields in that, because i've made one custom class & i can bind only those fields for which i've defined properties in that class.

    My question is, how can i get list of Fields/columns for particular list in silverlight application with the use of Client Object Model, & how scheduler will generate all fields with the controls which are set in sharepoint 2010 calendar list view.

    All in all i want to fully synchronize my telerik scheduler with sharepoint 2010 calendar list view. All CRUD operations should be done thru scheduler & affects to sharepoint 2010 calendar list view side by side.

     Can you pls guide me or show me the way how will i achieve this kind of functionality.

     thank you.


    palak bhansali


  • MichaelSanchez

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by MichaelSanchez on Jul 04, 2011 23:19

    Hi, great articles!

    Question, I'm developing a web part that needs to send the logged user credentials in Sharepoint to another service (Windows Authentication). Right now, I'm using the default credentials and works, but , when I sign out in share point and choose other user, the default credentials don't change in my silverlight.

    I tried loading the CurrentUser (using client object model), but I get only the username, not the credentials.

    The external service is an odata, and I need to set the Context.Credentials to work with.

    Any ideas?


  • EricKleeman

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by EricKleeman on Aug 19, 2011 14:20
    Have you run into the 3 Meg file size limit in the Silverlight Client OM? This code when implemented on a standalone SharePoint development box will not upload any file greater than 3 Meg. Have you seen this?
  • adove

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by adove on Dec 15, 2011 22:32

    Great post! I am trying to modify your existing code to allow for the entry of MetaData about the newly added document to the library. The purpose is to create a catalog of data about each file so searching and reporting may be done on the files. Let me explain in a hypothetical example:

    In my example I manage 3 franchise locations of widget stores.  Each store has managers and employees. Every month I receive documents from the widget stores. My goal is to catalog each of the documents into a document library, however, after a file is uploaded (using your awesome app!), I unfortunately have no metadata about the file. I have created columns in a library named "company", "location", "contact" and "summary". Once the file has successfully uploaded I want a popup or ChildWindow or something to appear as a form with textboxes and a submit button. I will enter to specific data about the individual file which is stored alongside the file in the library. The end result gives me visibility to see which employee the file came from, the location of their franchise and any extra summary details about the file.

    I am using a separate Silverlight web part to modify listitem field values, however, this solution hard codes the list name in the code. If necessary, including this hard coded library name would be an acceptable workaround because not all libraries will have the custom columns I have described in my example. Is this extra modal popup form possible and if so, how?

    Much thanks.


  • adove

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by adove on Dec 15, 2011 22:45

    Great post! I am trying to modify your existing code to allow for the entry of MetaData about the newly added document to the library. The purpose is to create a catalog of data about each file so searching and reporting may be done on the files. Let me explain in a hypothetical example:

    In my example I manage 3 franchise locations of widget stores.  Each store has managers and employees. Every month I receive documents from the widget stores. My goal is to catalog each of the documents into a document library, however, after a file is uploaded (using your awesome app!), I unfortunately have no metadata about the file. I have created columns in a library named "company", "location", "contact" and "summary". Once the file has successfully uploaded I want a popup or ChildWindow or something to appear as a form with textboxes and a submit button. I will enter to specific data about the individual file which is stored alongside the file in the library. The end result gives me visibility to see which employee the file came from, the location of their franchise and any extra summary details about the file.

    I am using a separate Silverlight web part to modify listitem field values, however, this solution hard codes the list name in the code. If necessary, including this hard coded library name would be an acceptable workaround because not all libraries will have the custom columns I have described in my example. Is this extra modal popup form possible and if so, how?

    Much thanks.


  • walterf

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by walterf on Dec 16, 2011 00:37

    Hi adove,

    I think the easier way is to add an "added item" event receiver to your web part containing the Silverlight upload app. When the event receiver is triggered you can redirect the user to the page containing your Silverlight app which modifies the filed values passing the id of the item added.

    Some links for event receivers:



    Another way is to fire another client query in the OnLoadingSucceeded of the SL upload app. This query asks for the id of the  last item inserted in the list.. then you can fill a childwindow form with the metadata and fire another client query to update the item knowing its ID..

  • genifycom

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by genifycom on 22:39

    Hello Walter,

    I compiled this application with Silverlight 5 and it all compiles ok.
    The Visual Web Part loads on the page ok but nothing shows up (i.e. just blank web part).

    OnPreRender gets called in SP_SL_NavigatorVWP and adds the control however, App.Current.Host.InitParams is empty (count=0) so it fails to get host_url.

    Can you try with Silverlight 5 please.

  • adove

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by adove on Jan 27, 2012 19:48

    Is there a way to use to limit the available libraries shown in this example to "abc" and "xyz" document libraries? For instance, we want to limit user error and this example gives the ability for users to place files (by dragging and dropping them) into ANY library in your site. If we want to limit the libraries shows to ONLY 2 libraries with names of "abc" and "xyz", can we do that?

    The particular use of our application is specific to users who belong to a sub-site of SharePoint. While the site these users belong to may contain 10 libraries we only want to show 2 libraries named "abc" and "xyz". This way it limits the user to place their files into the libraries we want them to place them into.

    How would this be accomplished? Any ideas? Thanks much.

  • walterf

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by walterf on Jan 27, 2012 23:11

    Hi adove,

    I think it's just a matter of user permission  at library level.

    Check this:


    and this for a more advanced control:


  • adove

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by adove on Jan 27, 2012 23:21
    Yes, while this may work, in my situation the user permission is not the focus. Lets say from my previous post, the user already has permission to all 10 libraries in the site. When the user goes to drag-and-drop a file to a library using the application they are presented with all 10 libraries. I want to remove the guess work to which library they should place the file. If I create a document library called "inquiry" and this is the ONLY library they should place these items into then I only want to show this one library in the Silverlight app. To put my question into better context, my application lives on a page within a site. When using the Silverlight application they only need to put their files into this "inquiry" library. However, when using the SharePoint site this application resides within, the user should be able to access any of the 10 libraries. So I am therefore directing the user to place files into a pre-designated library when using my Silverlight application.
  • pghatak

    Re: Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 a step forward: how to build a small Silverlight 4 utility to upload files in a List or Library of Sharepoint

    posted by pghatak on Mar 08, 2012 12:12
    Is there anyway, we can modify this project to allow multiple file uploads please?. Any help?

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