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The Silverlight BlockText Control

(6 votes)
Thomas Kirchmair
Thomas Kirchmair
Joined Jan 27, 2009
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11 comments   /   posted on Apr 09, 2009
Categories:   Controls

This article is compatible with the latest version of Silverlight.


Yes, I was searching for months if there is any possibility to simple justify block text! And I didn’t find anything – except lots of posts like: “Why didn’t they implement it?”!

So I waited for Silverlight 3 Beta 1 to appear, and I began to hope and pray, but: Once again – there was nothing like block text. I was very disappointed. How should I display long text on the screen without clear formatting borders on both sides - and I don’t want to mix Silverlight and HTML again, either. I need this for building a web application composed of 100% Silverlight, and I don’t feel like doing the text-rendering and position-calculation by myself.

And as an aside some day I got the idea to justify the left and the right side of my text, as shown in the picture:



Online Demo
Sample Project


The main idea is to let Silverlight’s Grid do the work. So at the beginning I split the given string into words and draw them hidden into my temporary grid, so I get the ActualWidth of each word.

 private void UpdateWords()
      if( _myLayoutRoot != null )
          // ** get all the words of my Text
          string[] arWords = Text.Split( new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
          // ** Clear my Content
          // ** Create the new Grid
          Grid grMaster = CreateNewGridAndAppend();
          // ** now create the TextBlocks with all my settings,
          // ** so I get a correct measure of the width
          foreach( string strWord in arWords )
              // ** create the TextBlock and append it to
              // ** my Grid an my List of TextBlocks
              TextBlock txtWord = CreateNewTextBlock( strWord );
              grMaster.Children.Add( txtWord );
              _myTextBlocks.Add( txtWord );

With that I create a Silverlight grid for each line of text, and two columns for each word. The column which contains the Silverlight-TextBlock for the word has exactly the length of the word, and the second column is used for the space between the words. This second column has a minimum width which is given through a definable property of the BlockText-Control, and the star-operator for auto-sizing. So the grid takes all the free space between the words and divides them into equal parts. So I have a fully automated calculation of the space-width between the words.

The next parts are surprisingly simple. The first word on the left side has set the HorizontalAligment-Property to left-aligned and the last word on the right side has set its HorizontalAligment-Property to right-aligned. That’s it!

The grids for each line themselves are stacked vertically inside a StackPanel.

To optimize the performance in case of size changing of the BlockText-Control, I reuse the existing child controls. So I do not create them all new each time, I try to add needed columns to existing grids, remove unused ones, reposition the TextBlocks inside my grids and change the parents of the TextBlocks - in case a TextBlock moves from one line to another.

 public void UpdateStackPanel()
     if(( _myLayoutRoot != null ) && (_myGrids.Count > 0) )
          double dbWidth = _myLayoutRoot.ActualWidth;
          int nLineCounter = 0;
          double dbLineLength = (double)0.0;
          int nWordCounter = 0;
          int nWordLineCounter = 0;
          // ** walk through all my words
          while( nWordCounter < _myTextBlocks.Count )
               // ** get the TextBlock
               TextBlock txtText = _myTextBlocks[ nWordCounter ];
               // ** get the Grid for the Line
               Grid grGrid = ( nLineCounter < _myGrids.Count ) ? _myGrids[ nLineCounter ] : CreateNewGridAndAppend();
               // ** now get the row and col
               // ** the first word in the line is always fix placed
               if( nWordLineCounter == 0 )
                   // ** Set the Parent
                   SetNewParent( txtText, grGrid );
                   // ** set col, row and width
                   grGrid.ColumnDefinitions[ 0 ].Width = new GridLength( txtText.ActualWidth, GridUnitType.Pixel );
                   Grid.SetColumn( txtText, 0 );
                   Grid.SetRow( txtText, 0 );
                   // ** increase the counters
                   dbLineLength = txtText.ActualWidth;
                   // ** calculate the position, where the TextBlock has to be entered
                   int nSpaceColIndex = ( nWordLineCounter * 2 ) - 1;
                   int nWordColIndex = ( nWordLineCounter * 2 );
                   // ** it is not the first word in the line, so check if it fits into this line
                   if( ( this.ActualWidth - dbLineLength - this.MinSpaceWidth ) > txtText.ActualWidth )
                       ColumnDefinition colDefSpace = null, colDefWord = null;
                       // ** do I have the needed Col's
                       if( grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count <= nSpaceColIndex )
                           colDefSpace = new ColumnDefinition();
                           grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add( colDefSpace );
                           colDefSpace = grGrid.ColumnDefinitions[ nSpaceColIndex ];
                       // ** set the Width to Star, so the space get's calculated automatically
                       colDefSpace.Width = new GridLength( (double)1.0, GridUnitType.Star );
                       colDefSpace.MinWidth = this.MinSpaceWidth;
                      // ** do I have the needed Col's
                       if( grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count <= nWordColIndex )
                           colDefWord = new ColumnDefinition();
                           grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add( colDefWord );
                           colDefWord = grGrid.ColumnDefinitions[ nWordColIndex ];
                       // ** Set the width of the Word Column
                       colDefWord.Width = new GridLength( txtText.ActualWidth, GridUnitType.Pixel );
                       // ** Set the Parent of the TextBlock
                       SetNewParent( txtText, grGrid );
                       // ** set the position of the word
                       Grid.SetColumn( txtText, nWordColIndex );
                       Grid.SetRow( txtText, 0 );
                       // ** increase the counters
                       dbLineLength += this.MinSpaceWidth + txtText.ActualWidth;
                       // ** if there is a new line needed, so cut the old if
                       // ** there are too much columns and set the horalign of the
                       // ** last word to right
                       while( grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Count > ( nWordColIndex - 1 ) )
                           grGrid.ColumnDefinitions.RemoveAt( nWordColIndex - 1 );
                       // ** set the grid to stretch !! If this was a last line sometimes the 
                       // ** stretch were changed to left
                       grGrid.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                       // ** the first word in this line is left oriented, the last one right
                       ( (TextBlock)( grGrid.Children[ 0 ] ) ).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                       ( (TextBlock)( grGrid.Children[ grGrid.Children.Count-1 ] ) ).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
                       // ** prepare for next line
                       nWordLineCounter = 0;
                       dbLineLength = (double)0.0;
           // ** the last grid ist leftoriented
           _myGrids[ nLineCounter ].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
           // ** remove unused grids
           while( _myLayoutRoot.Children.Count > ( nLineCounter + 1 ) )
               _myLayoutRoot.Children.RemoveAt( ( nLineCounter + 1 ) );
               _myGrids.RemoveAt( ( nLineCounter + 1 ) );


I hope I could show how to block justify text. The sample project is written for one paragraph a time. So if you want to display sequential paragraphs, create a StackPanel, split the text at the paragraph- or line-breaks and display your paragraphs by one BlockText-Control for each.

Thomas Kirchmair



  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Nair on Apr 10, 2009 10:17

    Very good solution. Still wondering why MS couldn't implement the feature.


  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Ruurd Boeke on Apr 10, 2009 22:17

    Very innovative, however, I'm not sure if this solution is not somewhat to heavy. I would sooner have liked a custom panel for this kind of layout that does all the measuring and layout. That would be many times faster than having soo many instances of grid behind the scenes


  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by marko on Apr 15, 2009 14:09
    i hope that this will be fixed in final sl3
  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Sachin Mukhija on 08:10
    In my project I have added all the controls at runtime but when I add the blocktext control to statckpanel and then stackpanel to canvas, I get the error Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)), Can u please specify the solution for this
  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Thomas Kirchmair on Sep 01, 2009 12:12

    Hi Sachin,

    thank you for your interest on my BlockText-Control. I tried to include 3 BlockText-Controls into one StackPanel and inserted the StackPanel into a Canvas. I didn't get the error in Silveright 3 Release, but I mentioned that the layout update is different the time the control is inside a canvas. This results in the different layout-cycles of the canvas and that the HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" does not work for controls inside the canvas (which is default in all other situations).
    Please download the sample again, because I recently updated the sample project and online demo to Silverlight 3 Release. Then specify a width in pixels for each BlockText-Control inside your Canvas in xaml, so that the layout-system is able to determine the width for the first calculations.

    If you need further info please provide your contact,
    Tom Kirchmair

  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by LawBot on Mar 21, 2010 18:44

    Hallo Thomas,

    ich habe Probleme, den ZIP-Download zu öffnen. Erhalte eine Fehlermeldung, der Ordner sei leer. Hast Du eine Idee?

    Beste Grüße,



  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Thomas Kirchmair on Mar 22, 2010 12:17

    Hallo M.,

    Danke für Deine Information. Die ContentCompression vom IIS ist nun ausgeschalten, dadurch wird das zip-File richtig übertragen. Falls Du Fragen hast, Du kannst mich unter kir.at kontaktieren.

    Grüße, Tom


    For those who had problems downloading the sample zip-file: My IIS is now running with deactivated ContentCompression. So the zip will be downloaded correctly.

    Greetings, Tom

  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Todd on May 18, 2010 10:05
    Your source link is no longer working.
  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Abhilash on Nov 25, 2010 09:54


    Thanks for the solution.
    I'm getting an error as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" during design time, whenever I try to add more than one <kir:BlockText> tag in my markup. I'm using Silverlight 4. I'm placing all <kir:BlockText> inside a stackpanel like:




    StackPanel Background="White" Width="750">
    <kir:BlockText x:Name="txtBlockPrivacyPolicy"></kir:BlockText>
    <kir:BlockText x:Name="txtBlockTermsAndCondtions"></kir:BlockText>





  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Tom on Nov 26, 2010 00:59


    thanks for using my code and reporting this issue. As a workaround, insert in BlockText.cs at the beginning of the function "public void UpdateAll()", at line 187 the following code:

                if (DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool == true)

    then it works. I will update the online project the next days.

    Maybe You could send a link, where I can see the BlockTextControl life in action
    inside Your project.

    Greetings, Tom

  • -_-

    RE: The Silverlight BlockText Control

    posted by Shohan on Feb 22, 2011 12:01


    Your BlockText control works fine, but wanted to know how to implement the Style property in the BlockText control which is similar to the TextBlock control.


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