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Podium - A PowerPoint add-in for WP7

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0 comments   /   posted by Silverlight Show on Oct 01, 2010
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In this article, Rudi Grobler creates a Windows Phone 7 companion tool for PowerPoint which allows users to control their PowerPoint presentation from their devices.

Source: The Code Project

Podium actually consist out of 2 parts… First, is a PowerPoint 2010 add-in which monitors PowerPoint for slideshows. Once a slideshow starts, it will send a push notification (toast message) to a Windows Phone 7 device to “announce” that a slideshow is ready! Once the slideshow is actually started (By pressing F5), the add-in will capture each slide as a image (jpg) and send another push notification (RAW http) to the device with the id of the given slide! If the phone application is running, once it receives this notification, it will call back into PowerPoint (using a self hosted WCF service) and fetch the slide image. By tapping or flicking on the screen the user can send a message back to PowerPoint to go to next or previous slide!



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