Brian Noyes talks about some of the options that Prism 4 has when you wnat to show a prompt to the user .
Source: Brian Noyes's Blog
This post assumes you are familiar with the MVVM pattern and the reasons why you would want to separate your view and your view model, as well as the standard structure of the MVVM pattern (View.DataContext = ViewModel). The key things to keep in mind for what I am going to cover here is the it is the view’s responsibility to determine the visual rendering of a part of the application functionality, it is the view model’s job to encapsulate the state and logic that support that view without being coupled to the view too tightly and without specifying visual aspects directly itself. When doing MVVM right, you should be able to hand the view’s XAML over to a designer, allow them to change every single element in there if they choose to, and not break the application as long as they maintain the bindings that were in the view so they display things in similar ways.
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