Sacha Barber and Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira have created a highly customisable WPF Carousel Control.
Source: The Code Project
A while ago (around XMAS) Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira and I were working on a joint article to create a custom Carousel, you know the sort of thing you see a lot in popular component manufacturers control sets. Thing was we very nearly finished our own hand cranked solution, and then I remembered the PathListBox which I had played with in the past. So I did a bit of googling to see what people had done with the PathListBox and to my suprise there was a codeplex offering from Microsoft that seemed to get you 1/2 way to being able to implement a Carousel using the PathListBox.
Sacha Barber published part 5 from his article series on TPL.
Source: Code Project
This is article 5 of a possible 6, which I hope people will like. Shown below is the rough outline of what I would like to cover. Starting Tasks / Trigger Operations / ExceptionHandling / Cancelling / UI Synchronization Continuations / Cancelling Chained Tasks Parallel For / Custom Partioner / Aggregate Operations Parallel LINQ Pipelines (this article) Advanced Scenarios / v.Next For Tasks
This is article 5 of a possible 6, which I hope people will like. Shown below is the rough outline of what I would like to cover.
In this tutorial, Sacha Barber shows how to easily use CinchV2 with Prism 4.
I know some of you will know that I am WPF lover, and that I have my own MVVM framework out there called Cinch, and that I not so long ago published a whole series of articles on V2 of Cinch, and are probably bored to death of it, well from time to time me too, but someone asked me how easy it would be to get Cinch to work with PRISM, and I just had to give it a try. So this article will demonstrate how easy it is to use my own MVVM framework Cinch V2 with all the good bits a peices you have grown to love from the Microsoft composite WPF/SL application block A.K.A : PRISM.