This is the 8 video by Ken Cox about the development of CRUD application using Silverlight and Visual Basic.NET.
In Episode 8, we continue working with the AutoCompleteBox control that we implemented in Episode 7. This time, we fetch a long list of country names as XML from a third-party Web service, cache the file on the client using isolated storage, and harness LINQ to XML to retrieve the country names. One of the considerations is checking Silverlight's access to the remote data. Finally, you learn how to use (and re-use) a static resource within XAML markup.
I'm currently collecting topics for a ninth episode. My intention is to make it a bug fix screencast based on feedback, so send in those reports! It will likely also cover usability issues like implementing tabs and tooltips.
Make sure you've worked through Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6 and Episode 7 first.
The full source code is available for download from here.
Please, give your valuable feedback about the video by leaving a comment. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for the last episode 9 based on your feedback!