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  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  Jun 08, 2010 (2 weeks ago)

    This is part 8 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages.

    Here, we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    In this session, we will cover one quite popular, but still very useful, technique for adding interaction to your web-site - "How to enable animations between pages using the Silverlight Navigation Framework".


  • 3 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 31, 2010 (3 weeks ago)

    This is part 7 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects 
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    It’s always complicated, when you have to deal with 3D objects. No matter what environment and framework you choose, you’ll need to learn a lot of complicated structures and procedures in order to implement even a simple scenario.

  • 1 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 24, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 6 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader.
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.


    In this article, we’ll examine one very interesting approach for creating Rich UI. It’s a program that manipulates the UI just before the actual rendering on the screen – and it’s called PixelShader.

  • 2 comments  /  posted by  Miroslav Miroslavov  on  May 17, 2010 (1 month ago)

    This is part 5 of the series “Silverlight in Action”:

    1. Visuals staring at the mouse cursor.
    2. Floating Visual Elements.
    3. Flipping Panels.
    4. Flying objects against you.
    5. Smoke effect
    6. Book Folding effect using Pixel Shader
    7. Navigation in 3D world of 2D objects
    8. Animated navigation between Pages

    Here we’re sharing our experience from the amazing CompletIT web site.

    Maybe the hardest feature to implement from the entire site was the Smoking menu effect. We’ve tried out a lot of ideas and I’m going to summarize some of them:

    1. We thought to use a video as a background, but its performance was bad. Blending the video with the background washard to do.
  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Levente Mihály  on  May 09, 2010 (1 month ago)

    Recently I had some time to play with the new Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools CTP. I have created a sample application (called „geoGallery”), you can watch the demo video and download the code. It’s a Gallery application, but to give it a little twist, it gets the pictures from Google Picasa based on your location!

    Record your screencast online

    Download source code

    Now I’m going to guide you through the code, focusing on the Phone specific features, methods and problems I experienced.

  • 8 comments  /  posted by  Walter Ferrari  on  May 05, 2010 (1 month ago)


    One of the things I found frustrating in the previous versions of Silverlight was the lack of the Right Mouse Click support. Now we know that this functionality has turned real with Silverlight 4. Furthermore, we know that the April 2010 Silverlight toolkit release comes with a ContextMenu Control to be used in combination with the right click. So it’s time to put these new things in practice and try to use them in our projects. In this article we will see how to create and use a ContextMenu, how it is made and then we will extend it in a peculiar way.

  • 2 comments  /  posted by  Alexey Zakharov  on  Apr 19, 2010 (2 months ago)
    Tags: Halcyone , C# , Alexey Zakharov

    1. Introduction

    In this article I’m going to introduce a first public component of our silverlight application framework called Halcyone. In this experimental component we provide simple way for rapid silverlight REST services development. We are using convection based approach to minimize boilerplate code and provide reactive api based on IObservable push collections introduced in dev labs reactive extensions.

    You can get sources and samples from the project codeplex site:


  • 5 comments  /  posted by  Andrea Boschin  on  Mar 30, 2010 (2 months ago)

    One of the recurrent questions people ask me in the forums is about the applying of security constraint to the applications being developed. The last releases of useful tools like WCF Ria Services added the capability of bringing the security context from the server to the plugin running into the browser. This let the developer to have the current logged-in user and his roles available to apply rules to elements of the user interface.

    With WCF Ria Services you can create easily an AuthenticationDomainContext and when you make a reference to it from a Silverlight project you will have available a class named WebContext.

  • A Designer-friendly Approach to MVVM

    4 comments  /  posted by  András Velvárt  on  Mar 12, 2010 (3 months ago)


    If you work with Silverlight or WPF, you have probably met the phrase “MVVM”. Almost everyone who is anyone in the WPF / Silverlight scene has their own MVVM framework, and their own way of explaining and teaching MVVM. Scary terms like IoC, Dependency Injection, Commanding Frameworks, Event Aggregators, Unit Testing, etc just roll off the tongue of the MVVM experts. This is one of the reasons why MVVM is intimidating for a lot of people. Still, you can create perfectly valid MVVM applications without even knowing what those terms mean.

    Read more ...
  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Andrea Boschin  on  Mar 09, 2010 (3 months ago)

    I think some of you may have developed an application that requires a lot of roundtrips on the server to retrieve data to be displayed to the user. Every time your application goes to the server it may have to wait for long running query to end its works, perhaps because the data are extracted from an huge database. Then it have to download the data and finally display them onto the screen.

    If you have already deal with this kind of interaction you should know that the two connection limit of the web browser can become evident. For some of you that are not aware of this limitation you have to know that due to the RFC 2616 specification, the compliant browsers have not to hammer the network and are limited to make only two simultaneous connections to the server (per domain).


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