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  • 9 comments  /  posted by  Anton Polimenov  on  Jun 08, 2010 (1 week ago)
    This is part 1 of the Windows Phone 7 series:

    1.       What is Windows Phone 7

    2.       Hardware requirements for Windows Phone 7 Part 1 – Buttons, Screen, Cameras, Keyboards, Wireless, Bluetooth, CPU

    3.       Hardware requirements for Windows Phone 7 Part 2 – Light Sensors, A-GPS, Approximate Sensors, Compass, Accelerometer

    4.       UI Concepts of Windows Phone 7

    5.       Software Distributions and Content Restrictions in Windows Phone 7

    6.       Screen Considerations for Developers

    7.       Windows Phone 7 Application Platform

    8.       Silverlight for Windows Phone 7

    9.       XNA for Windows Phone 7

    10.   Getting Started With Windows Phone 7 Development. "Hello, World" Applications



  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Steven Smith  on  Apr 28, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    Last week I gave three presentations at the DevConnections spring show in Orlando.  I received a lot of great feedback from attendees which I definitely appreciate, especially since I was feeling a little bit bad about having run out of time in my first two talks (and overcompensating a bit on my last one, which ended a few minutes early).  I definitely try to err on the side of too much content, with the idea being that if I can't fit it all in, at least the slides and demos are there for attendees to reference, and I'm happy to answer emails with questions about any of the material.

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  ScottGu's Blog  on  Apr 28, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    Last week I presented at the ASP.NET Connections Conference in Orlando.  I gave a general session talk on Monday, and then two breakout talks later that day.  You can download my slides+samples below:

    General Session

    The slides for my keynote can be downloaded here

    In the talk I demonstrated how to debug the .NET Framework source code.  You can learn how to set this up with VS 2008 here.

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Jesse Liberty - Silverlight Geek  on  Apr 25, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    I very much enjoyed my double presentation at the Microsoft Health and Life Sciences Conference in Atlantic City,



    where I promised, as always, to post my slides and source code.

    During the first session we covered adding controls to a form and events and event bubbling; here is the source code.

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Snowball - The Blog  on  Apr 24, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    Today I delivered a session on Mix Essentials in Belgium (Louvain-La-Neuve). The talk was about connecting Silverlight with services and data. Everything went great and every single demo worked as expected.

    This morning however, I do was a little bit scared when I was trying out my demo's. I had one demo with the Flickr REST API and when testing it this morning, it didn't work anymore. Turned out that the most "easy" solution actually solved it: was down for about 10 minutes...

    As promised, below you can download the slides and demo's.

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Dan Wahlin's WebLog  on  Apr 22, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    I'm in Orlando this week speaking at the DevConnections conference on 3 different topics.  It's my personal favorite as far as conferences go and features a lot of cool technologies, people and events.  This week I'm covering custom ASP.NET AJAX controls, building N-Layer applications that leverage LINQ and new networking features in Silverlight 2.  If you're able to attend any of my sessions stop by and say "hi".  ... (read more)

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Swiss MSDN Team Blog  on  Apr 17, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    This is the recording of the session “Silverlight 2” that I did last month atTechDays 2008 Basel.


    In this 1 hour video blog I show how to build a picture gallery showing some of the powerful capability of Silverlight 2 like:


    Blend 2.5

    Layout controls

    WebClient (RSS requests)

    LINQ to SQL





    Multi files upload




    You can get the slides and the demo code here:


    Ronnie Saurenmann



    double click the player to play in fullscreen
  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Jesse Liberty - Silverlight Geek  on  Apr 16, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    Today's Webcast was intended to be a smooth presentation of a topic I know cold. Not uncharacteristically,  I went off on a tangent from which I never returned and ended up writing all my code spontaneously.

    The good news was it was "fresher" the bad news was a few false starts; fortunately I was talking to pros who were very patient, and the key points were made:

    • You can set the container as the event handler for the contained objects (e.g., the stack panel can receive the click event for all the radio buttons
    • Some events bubble and some do not, and it is important to understand which do and which do not and what will happen accordingly
    • The rule of thumb is that events associated with a control (e.g, click) do not bubble but most events associated with mouse and keyboard do bubble; it's best to check the documentation.
  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Jesse Liberty - Silverlight Geek  on  Apr 09, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    I'm pleased and proud to say that my first Sparkling Client interview is now available for download; and this gives me the opportunity to recommend subscribing to this excellent new podcast.

    Sparkling Client focuses exclusively on Silverlight and related technologies. The first couple broadcasts show some growing pains, but the later interviews are excellent (check out the interview with Adam Kinney!)

  • 0 comments  /  aggregated from  Method ~ of ~ failed  on  Apr 09, 2008 (more than a year ago)   /   original article

    Firs, thank you for all that came to the presentation in Anaheim.  The room was full, and hopefully you learned something while there (and hopefully it was along the lines that video in text boxes might not be good design, but is doable :-)). ... (read more)


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