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  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 22, 2010 (3 days ago)
    Kirupa Chinnathambi has published two of the Expression Blend sessions presented at the TechEd conference by Alan Gasperini/Unni Ravindranathan and David Carley.

    ImageA few weeks ago, a couple of Expression Blend team members presented at the TechEd conference held in New Orleans this year! [...]

    You can browse through all of the sessions by clicking here.

  • Mike Ormond on Windows Phone 7 Development

    0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 22, 2010 (3 days ago)
    Take a look at this post in which Mike Ormond talks about some basics in Windows Phone 7 development.

    In wondering where to start talking about Windows Phone 7 (#wp7) development I thought maybe it’d be best if I started right at the very beginning. A very logical place to start. Whether I can go on till I get to the end ala The King’s advice in Alice in Wonderland remains to be seen. I’ve just paved a machine and want to get it set up for Windows Phone development using the emulator. 

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 22, 2010 (4 days ago)
    Mads Laumann got this error in a Silverlight 4 project and after he googled it for some time without any luck, he decided to write a quick blog post just to help others which might have the same problem.

    Today I got this error “XAML Namespace is not resolved.” in a Silverlight 4 project. I happened right after I added some VisualStates in Blend 4. I could remove the VisualState XAML and everything would then build again fine. As meantioned I googled the error but couldn’t find a solution.

  • New tutorials on .toolbox on PathListBox and Fluid UI

    0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 14, 2010 (1 week ago)
    Adam Kinney blogged about the new tutorial series on the .toolbox site about PathListBox and Fluid UI.

    To go along with the Expression Studio 4 launch, the team has put together a new 5-day OnRamp training course. The course introduces the Expression Studio tools and is very useful as a first step into the wild world of Expression. The fifth day of the course leads you to the .toolbox site where more advanced courses and tutorials are provided.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 08, 2010 (2 weeks ago)
    The purpose of Jesse Liberty in this post is to show you the benefits of adding Expression Blend to your toolkit. Find out what are the reasons for which you should learn how to use Blend as soon as possible.

    Okay, tough love: if you are serious about Silverlight development, the days of using one Integrated Development Environment for all you work are…. over.  The benefits of adding Expression Blend to your toolkit, and getting serious about learning how to use it well are so overwhelming that you can no longer afford to ignore them.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 07, 2010 (2 weeks ago)
    Tim Heuer announces the release of the refreshed Silverlight 4 themes (inlcuding RIA Services templates).  

    The feedback from the Silverlight 4 application themes released and the latest in process have been overwhelmingly toward the positive.  We appreciate the feedback and hopefully you appreciate the transparency in the process.  As a developer I want my fellow brethren to appreciate good design and use it whenever possible … even as a default if you don’t have designers on board.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Jose Luis Latorre Millas  on  Jun 07, 2010 (2 weeks ago)
    Check this new behavior recently published with full source code at the Microsoft Expression Blend Behavior's gallery. It allows us to bind the mouse movement to a plane projection of a FrameworkElement without any line of code.
    Get it here and learn a bit more about it here: 

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 04, 2010 (3 weeks ago)
    John Papa has created a simple plugin named “Sticky” for his Seesmic Desktop.
    Feel free to use this plugin as you like. It is a simple plug in that shows information about the Twitter user right inline with the Tweet. This post will explain what the Sticky plugin does and of course I’ll share the plugin with you. I’ll follow up with another post to explain how to create a plugin using the Seesmic Desktop platform, Visual Studio 2010, and Expression Blend.
  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  Jun 02, 2010 (3 weeks ago)
    Because of the positive feedback of the previous Silverlight application themes released last month, Tim Heuer and his team decided to make another theme targeting business application developers. In this post, Tim is going to give a sneak preview of that theme.

    We’re turning this theme around FAST and I wanted to throw it out here in an initial iteration for preview and comment.  This is the ‘dark’ version of the theme and there will be a light version as well.  This represents only the core control set, but like the others will include other SDK controls as well.

  • 0 comments  /  posted by  Silverlight Show  on  May 31, 2010 (3 weeks ago)
    Alan Beasley had a problem with showing and hiding a visual element on the Phone touch interface and when he finally found the solution, he decided to share it with you.

    Basically if you have situation where you need to either show or hide a visual element, you need to know what State you are in. As you can’t attach 2 different Triggers (Behaviours) to the same element, & expect to activate/fire them in an alternating manner with the same action (i.e. a mouse click). Blend will only ever fire one & continue to fire the same one. (The closest in the Z order i presume…) And my first thought was, that i needed some code to determine what state I was in. But you don’t!

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