In this blog post, Colin Eberhardt compares the performance of Visiblox, Visifire, Silverlight Toolkit and Dynamic Data Display (D3) charts.
Source: ScottLogic
A few weeks ago I published a blog post which compared the performance of the Visiblox charts and the Silverlight Toolkit charts. The results indicated that the Visblox charts are considerably faster than the Toolkit charts, however Microsoft’s David Anson did point out that the Toolkit charts were not designed with performance in mind, and that a comparison would be more fair if the ‘FastLineSeries’ series that has been on the TODO list for a while were implemented.
I have been asked by a few people to extend the performance test to include a few other Silverlight charts to see how they compare. I have refactored the test code so that different charts can be plugged in more easily. This not only makes it easier to test the performance of other charting components, but has also allowed me to compare the different charting APIs more easily.